6 Ways to Begin Your Healing Journey
We all must start somewhere and when is a better time to start than now? If you feel like you come last on your list of priorities, and you want that to change; here is where you can start.
We cannot take care of others without first taking care of ourselves…

1. Do Something You Always Wanted to do:
We all have those things that we always wanted to do. Not things like travel to Egypt or fly around the world; but those things you say you will do but, “never have time.”
Take that spa day you keep saying you will take, go on that hike you keep telling yourself you will go on, read the book you been eyeing, binge watch the show you heard was good, or even go to that shelter you always wanted to volunteer at.

Let us turn off the excuses and make it happen. Use that PTO that you have been saving for a special event; the special event is you and your happiness! That friend or family member always offering to babysit, take them up on that offer today! Leave the dishes in the sink for a few hours and fold the clothes tomorrow!
It may seem like a small step. This is something small that can make an enormous difference in the way you feel about yourself. It is something that we can all do right away to kick off this journey of true living and the enjoyment you can experience in life. That first step is taking sometime and really prioritize yourself, if even for just an afternoon. Now do this once a month AT LEAST.
2. Journal:
Journaling also may seem like something small and insignificant to you now but please trust the process. Journaling is very therapeutic in the begging stages of the journey. It gives a much-needed outlet to express your struggles as well as manifest your dreams. Therapy is very mush apart of the process of healing. But it can also be a lengthy process all in its own to find the right therapist for you. Journaling is an effective way to begin processing thoughts right away. I have found that having a designated time to journal works great, but anytime is great too. Every day would be the objective but weekly can also be just as affective for a busy schedule.

Journal prompts is a great tool for you if you are struggling with getting started. You can purchase journals with prompts already written inside or you can simply google some. Here is an Instagram page dedicated to journaling prompts if you are interested in using some.
3. Move Your Body
We all hear about the benefits of exercise as far has your exterior appearance goes. But few people talk about what it can do for your mind and spirit. Stretch every day when you wake up to let your spirit and your body know you will be showing up for it today.
Just a walk in the park can truly improve your mood and brighten your day. A real walk though; not a walk while talking on the phone or scroll through Tik Tok. Take time to take in and experience your surroundings and breathe the fresh air. Allow all your senses to work and sense new things you might not notice on your day-to-day hustle and bustle. Stop at the bench and read a book or magazine. If you have kids and have them with you, take your time, let them pick up leafs and rocks.

If you are more of a gym person, take an hour and go at least once a day. If that is too long, take it down to a half hour. Walk on the treadmill if that is all you have time for. Take a short yoga class (free yoga classes in Sacramento, Ca click Here) Or hit a few weight machines.
If you take at least a half hour of your day to do a physical activity, your body and mind will feel the positive effects.
4. Nourish Your Body
Eating is something we do to energize our bodies. To fuel our bodies to be mothers, fathers, brother, sisters, and employees. Let us fuel our bodies with food that not only brings our minds joy but also brings our bodies and spirits joy as well.

I am not saying to go on any kind of diet or to not eat as much as you need. Yet, we want to feel good after we fuel our bodies not feel weighed down and unhappy after. That also means to not deny yourself the ice cream or the candy bar just because you are worried of what others will think. It only matters what you think. Eat what you want and what you need but remember to treat your body like the temple it is. Find some amazing, delicious recipes here.
5. Let Go
This one is hard and will be the most challenging, but it will really change your quality of life. Let the people go that do not respect you, value you, or care about your well-being and happiness. This might mean family or friends that have been in your life for a long time. But like the saying goes: If they wanted to, they would.

When someone genuinely loves you and cares about you, you would not question it. You would see it in the things they show you; small or large. Answering the phone when you need to talk, coming over when you feel lonely or telling you the hard truths you need to hear. You will feel the love in the way they treat you. They will not get angry when you cannot give them something or do something out of your realm. They will treat you with the same respect you give to them. Love can come with boundaries but not conditions.
No matter what they say, if they are abusive (physically or emotionally) they do not love you. Please seek help here.
6. Look for Support
This step is an especially important one. As strong as we all are, we cannot do everything alone and healing is no different. Begin your search for a therapist or counselor.
Therapy and counseling are fantastic ways to get more tools to help your healing process and facing your unhealed trauma. The act of finding the right one can be the challenging part. Please be persistent and do not give up.
Group counseling is great as well. It helps you to get the tools you need while also meeting people that might be going through the same things you are. Whether it be a grief support group or AA, they are just as effective as one on one counseling or therapy.

I would first start with your insurance. If you cannot find someone you like to move on to other outlets. Here is a list of the best online affordable therapy sites. If you would like help finding support groups near you click here.
If you would like to learn more about my own Self-love and Self-healing journey click here.
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